Thursday, April 10, 2008

When it comes to real men and jewelery

When it comes to real men and jewelery, there is one main rule to apply: Less is more, but there is one piece of jewelery that a man should never be without and that's a watch.

There has never been a better choice for men when it comes to choosing a watch, every clothes store and pharmacy now has a glass display with the latest, trendiest watches available at cheap prices. This does not mean that you should buy a new watch every time the display is changed. A watch is a timeless (excuse the pun!) reflection on what type of person you are, what type of man you are. You can tell a lot about a man by his watch and this make buying a watch a very personal choice.

Your watch has three main functions. It has to tell the correct time, it has to be an honest reflection of who you are and it must make you look good.

Telling the Time. The first obvious function of your watch is to be able to tell the time reasonably accurately. If it's gaining or losing a second a week, it probably won't have a huge affect on your life but you want it to be reasonably accurate. Even the cheapest of watches will do this so it's not a major factor when choosing a watch.

Reflecting who you are. A good watch is a reflection of the person wearing it. This means paying for style, durability and of course engineering. A watch should hint at sophistication and rise above trend. It should identify you and your personality. It should be functional but not loud, stylish but not brash. A watch should say something about who you are, are you casual? sporty? sophisticated? A watch can show off your good attributes but it wont compensate for bad ones.

Make you look good. A watch has to be appropriate for the situation you are in. A diving watch may look well under water but ridiculous at a business meeting. A heart rate monitor is fine out jogging but wear it on a date and you'll probably be going home alone. You may want to invest in two, or even more watches so you have one to match different occasions and events. You may one to invest more money in just one watch, just be sure it's not going to look out of place a lot of the time.

And to conclude, a word of warning. Do not but a fake Rolex, those who are not in the know will assume it's a fake and those in the know will know it's a fake!

Shopping for Topaz Jewelry

Topaz is becoming the popular gemstone with the widest variety of human influence on its appearance. When shopping for topaz jewelry, you rarely come into contact with a gemstone that resembles something from the earth. Almost every topaz you can find has been treated in a way: you can get a clue about those treatments by observing the stones' color.

Pale Blue: If you see a pale blue stone and it is very expensive, there is a small chance it could be natural. Otherwise the color of these stones is usually produced through heat treatment.

Intense Blue: "Electric blue", "Swiss Blue", "London Blue" and any other very bright blue color you see is usually the result of two treatments: irradiation and then heat. In the case of irradiation, the gemstones need to "cool off" for up to 2 years before they can be worn due to their radioactivity after the treatment. It is so difficult to govern or account for these procedures, that Europe is beginning to take steps to ban gemstones treated in this way. These gemstones should be purchased with awareness and caution.

Brown: Brown topaz is the second most common color found in natural, untreated topaz. Brown topaz can also be the result of treatments, although it is not common since the cost of the treatment couldn't be made up in the price of the stone. So a brown topaz is likely to be natural and unheated.

Yellow: Yellow topaz also occurs in nature, however bright colors are usually the result of treatment. Extra caution is needed when looking at a piece of "yellow topaz" however, because yellow quartz (citrine) is often incorrectly given that label. "Yellow Topaz Quartz" is less deceptive, but it is not topaz. Since citrine is less valuable than topaz, it is important to make the distinction. You can tell with a scratch test. Find a spot on the girdle (thin edge between the top and bottom facets), and scratch the stone with something of at least 7 on the Moh's Scale (e.g. garnet). If the stone scratches, you know it's not topaz.

Pink: Pink is the most valuable color of topaz. However, in nature pink shades of topaz are extremely rare. Traditionally, pink topaz was created by heating yellow topaz. This has been done for hundreds of years and is a fairly stable treatment. Recently, though, very "hot" or intense, dark colors of pink topaz are being achieved through "coating." A coat of colored film is put on the gemstones surface and then it is exposed to high pressure or heat. The color absorbs into the stone but only in a shallow layer. This means that if the stone is severely scratched or re-polished or chipped, the natural (usually white) topaz will show.

Iridescence: More and more colors and varieties of topaz are available daily with an iridescent, incandescent look to them. The most common and popular of these is "Mystic Topaz". There is also "Rainbow topaz", "Mystic Firelight", "Azotic", etc. These stones are created when colorless topaz is coated with titanium oxide (a film like the one on a camera lens) and then exposed to pressure. The treatment is referred to as "coating." Since the color only seeps through to a thin surface layer of the gemstone, it tends to wear off over time.

Colorless: This is the one form of topaz that you can count on as not being treated. Colorless or "white" topaz is the most abundantly found in nature. It is therefore, not very expensive. Many of the colored topaz stones you can buy started out as colorless before their treatment.

Research topaz treatments and ask your jeweler questions. Be informed so you know what you're buying.

Freshwater pearl jewelry is less expensive

1) As you may have noticed. Freshwater pearl jewelry is less expensive.

And you know the Akoya pearl is more expensive...

A few reasons for this difference, one the freshwater pearl is easier to grow. Freshwater pearls are easier to grow because the process of nucleation is different and easier. The amount of nucleation per mollusk is much more in the freshwater pearl mussel (at one time 40 to 50) the most an akoya can produce might be 4 or 5 and they do not that often because quality goes down and mortality goes up. Freshwater mussels can be nucleated again with less mortality than the one time for akoyas. There is more control over the environment, ponds and streams as opposed to ocean water, which has typhoons and red tides to contend with.

2) Of course, Akoya Pearls are mostly round in shape.

And needless to say, Freshwater pearls are rarely round shaped.

The Akoya is nucleated with a round bead made from a freshwater mussel shell that is made round to begin with. The Freshwater mussel is nucleated with a piece of soft tissue, usually just a flat piece, or many flat pieces.

3) The freshwater pearl earring is solid nacre.

Here is something you might not know Akoya Pearl Necklace has a bead core made of shell and only a coating of nacre, as thin as 1mm.

See above, the soft tissue that the freshwater mussel is nucleated with is absorbed leaving a pearl of solid nacre, more like natural pearls. The Akoya is nucleated with a shell bead of some size, and only allowed to develop nacre for a limited time before harvesting. The length of time is limited only by the cultivator's desire for quicker harvests.

4) A benefit of thicker nacre means that a freshwater pearl necklace will last longer.

Truth be told, low grade akoya pearl necklaces with a thin coating of nacre often chip and or wear off.

As you can imagine, a freshwater pearl with solid nacre has nothing to chip away; whereas, an Akoya pearl is possibly only a coating of as little as 1mm, so it can easily be worn or chipped.

5) The better grades of Akoya Pearl Jewelry have a higher luster compared to freshwater jewelry pearls.

A Freshwater pearl bracelet can have "orient', a rainbow iridescence noticed on heirloom or natural pearls. An Akoya pearl bracelet does not have this.

The nacre or mother of pearl of the Akoya has a greater luster or glow. The Freshwater pearl can have a trait called "orient" which is a shimmering of a rainbow of color, like the way that oil looks on water. Orient is seen on natural saltwater pearls and freshwater pearls; but, not on Akoya cultured pearls.

So it adds up to this: Things they are a changing. From keshi pearls called rice crispies because that's what they look like, to gem grade pearls. Freshwater jewelry pearls are now rivaling Akoya jewelry pearls in beauty.

Freshwater pearl jewelry is changing rapidly. A Freshwater pearl necklace will last longer, and be tomorrow's heirloom. Freshwater Pearls are gaining in quality and popularity.

It has long been said that a diamond is a girl's best friend

It has long been said that a diamond is a girl's best friend. If that is the case, then it sets one to wonder how in the world to characterize a handful of loose diamonds. While lustrous and dazzling diamonds are common embellishments for all types of jewelry items from high-end fine jewelry to body jewelry, it is less common to see diamonds unmounted and in their loose form.

It goes hand in hand, no matter what its form may be. The diamond is the most desirable, and the least obtainable, gemstone. The allure to buy comes from the sparkling brilliance of the pure white diamond, but the high price prevents those on a budget from buying, no matter how attractive the stone. Fortunately, purchasing unmounted diamonds can be a good way for people to save some money and possibly afford to buy the rock of their heart's desire.

There are actually many people who believe that it is always best to purchase diamonds, and all other types of precious gems, as loose stones. Purchasing loose diamonds gives the buyer several distinct advantages over buying a finished fine jewelry piece.

One appealing advantage of an unmounted diamond is the lower price that comes with it. It is often less expensive to buy loose or unmounted diamonds than it is to buy those already set. This is simply because the expense for the precious metals used in the setting must also be factored in, even when the reason for the diamond purchase is for the stone and not the setting.

Another reason to consider an unmounted diamond is that it is much easier to assess the quality of the stone when it is not in a setting. Some setting styles can easily conceal flaws on the diamond. Flaws decrease the value of the stone, so it is important to examine the diamond in the best possible manner. You could easily buy a stone of lower quality, if the setting of the diamond is masking or hiding a flaw.

There are four different facets of a diamond used to classify the stone, both for quality and price. By using a jeweler's loupe or a microscope, the characteristics of color, clarity, cut, and carat can be determined with accuracy. Magnification is useful to examining color clarity and the quality of the cut.

Often people choose to buy unmounted diamonds so that they can have them set into the design setting of their choice. This allows for a design that is most desirable to their personal taste, sometimes even custom made, but with a diamond of the highest quality.

There are many cuts of loose diamonds that you can choose from if you want to purchase diamonds for fine jewelry or simply as an investment. The most common shape that you will be able to find is the round brilliant cut. However emerald, princess, baguette, heart, oval, marquise, and radiant cuts are also available.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Diamonds are a type of gemstone which have a beauty all their own

Diamonds are a type of gemstone which have a beauty all their own. Although many may think that these lovely gems come in only the colorless or white variety, this is not the case. Colored diamonds are a popular item these days and no matter what your personal preference may be with regard to diamond colors you are sure to find one which peaks your interest. The following will provide some beneficial characteristics of colored diamonds and help you to determine which diamond colors will suit you best.

The Beauty of Colored Diamonds

Choosing from one of many diamond colors may be a difficult task for some but an easy choice for others. No matter which category you fall within you are certain to find a diamond color which suits your individual style best. There are a few reasons why colored diamonds are so lovely. First, they are unique in nature as most of the diamond buying public still opts for colorless or white diamonds. The uniqueness factor gives the various diamond colors a beauty all their own. Therefore, if you are searching for a gemstone which very few others around you have then buying a colored diamond is a good move.

Another beneficial attribute of various colored diamonds is the preciousness aspect. One who buys diamonds of different colors will find that the price tag on the gemstone will be much higher than with their colorless counterparts. This is a beneficial aspect for those individuals who don't mind paying a higher price for a different type of stone.

Gemstones which are different diamond colors will also reflect light beautifully. Although how well the diamond sparkles and takes in the light will depend on different factors such as carat weight, cut and shape, the vision one will see when viewing their colored diamond in the light is usually quite spectacular.

Which Diamond Colors Are Right For You?

When perusing your options with regard to diamond colors, you may be wondering which diamond color is right for you. In order to make the right decision there are a few factors you can consider such as what colors you often wear, what is popular at the moment, which diamond colors are the most rarest and which ones are most cost efficient. Choosing a diamond color to match your usual attire colors is a good way to ensure that everything matches with your ensemble. Although some may prefer to go with unique diamond colors which will stand out from their daily attire, others may like the idea of having a diamond color to coincide with the color of their outfits.

Some may also prefer to buy a colored diamond which is popular at the moment. Today, the colorless or white diamond still remains the most popular type. However, for those who are searching for a color other than white, the pink and yellow diamonds are quite popular styles of fancy diamonds.

If you are looking for a rare type of diamond color, then a red diamond should be on your list of purchases. However, these diamonds are quite rare and extremely expensive therefore if you truly want a red diamond you will ultimately have to go for a red diamond which is not a deep red tone. For those who want an inexpensive colored diamond, the best choices will be colored stones which are lighter in tone as the deeper the color of diamond the more expensive it usually is.

The latest fashion trend that fuels the desire to have a body piercing is due to the wide variety of jewelry offered on the market by designers

The latest fashion trend that fuels the desire to have a body piercing is due to the wide variety of jewelry offered on the market by designers. It is hard not to become absorbed into the obsession surrounding the fashionable piercing craze with all the vast array of choices in body jewelry and as a result, many people acquire more than the single piercing in order to accommodate the display of more body jewelry.

With the massive amount of choices in body jewelry it is hard to limit yourself to a single jewelry piece or style. Considering the difficulty of limiting yourself to a single small collection for your piercing, a more logical remedy would be to search out jewelry shops that also offer discount jewelry.

Where to find discount body jewelry is not difficult and is as simple as searching the terms "discount body jewelry" in any major search engine. E-bay may be a good source in finding discount jewelry There are many online jewelry shops that will accommodate customers that are looking for the seasonal sale.

Though, finding discount jewelry that is less expensive but fashionable is a prize in its own right. The real treat is finding discount jewelry to dress up your piercings that is made of precious metals and stones.

A little known place to find discount jewelry is through a specialized online jewelry auction house where below wholesale discounted jewelry is a daily offering. The specialized manufactures often use the online auction houses to test the market for a combination of styles and in an array of diversified and unique pieces before they put the jewelry piece on a mass production scale.

Taking advantage of a specialized jewelry auction house to acquire the more expensive pieces at a deep discount will allow you to own body jewelry made of precious metals and stones that may otherwise be much harder to obtain.

Giving yourself, the pleasure of owning an expensive piece of discounted jewelry is worth flaunting. Giving an expensive gift is worth bragging rights. The most popular seasonal gift among young adults has been the traditional jewelry.

With the growing popularity of piercing, the traditional jewelry gift is now second place. By executing the advantages of online auction houses, finding discounted body jewelry at unprecedented deep discounts should make the top of the list in gift giving this year.

Discounted online auction houses have the largest selection of discount jewelry under one virtual property. Since major manufacturer jewelers use the facilities to test the market, you benefit from finding the deepest discounts in purchasing your jewelry You also benefit from the availability of acquiring expensive jewelry pieces at pennies on the dollar that is both unique and affordable.

Finding discount body jewelry allows you to pamper yourself in a way that will not put stress on your budget and will also allow you to give the gift that will surely be talked about for many years to come.

The Aura Of Engagement Rings

Though the thought of wearing a diamond or an emerald engagement ring brings happiness to the soul, but the idea of buying it sends shivers through out the body of the lovers.

Buying an engagement ring, for many, is not only a tough job but also a risky one. The main question which adheres to the mind of the person is what if she does not like the engagement ring bought by me?

Thus buying an engagement ring requires a lot of planning.

To start with, choose the stone, style and color suiting the personality of your beloved. If you are planning to gift a diamond engagement ring to your beloved, do a thorough research on diamonds. Diamonds come in various styles and colors. Also cut, clarity and carat of the diamond, is an aspect which should not be missed.

Platinum engagement rings are also in vogue these days. A very serene metal, many women cherish platinum engagement rings. Platinum engagement rings are equally liked by men. Thus, women can even choose platinum as an option for an engagement ring.

Women are not always attracted towards a precious engagement rings. What attracts them more are the emotions attached with it. The concept of gifting inherited engagement rings has increased in the past few decades. Women adore engagement rings, worn by your mother or grandmother. It brings to her the feeling of being loved and trusted.

Engagement rings, whether diamond engagement ring or sapphire engagement ring, reflect what you feel rather than what you have. What lies behind this engagement ring, is a long story of love, faith and commitment. A diamond engagement rings, does not reflect diamonds, but the feelings attached with it.

An engagement ring is the most durable gifts, among almost all the gifts presented to your lover. Chocolates, stuff toys, all perish, but an engagement ring sticks to the hand of your lover for ages. So one should purchase an engagement ring with great cautious and care.

If engagement rings would not have been that important, then many celebrities would have roaming without it. Women love boasting about their engagement rings. So, buy an engagement ring with care and patience.

You can also shop for engagement rings online. Many trustworthy online stored provide great options to chose from. Thus it not only saves time but also provides you with every minute detail about a particular ring.

Dean Candy, has more than 8 years research on Jewelry and proving latest design and usability information on engagement rings, engagement ring, diamond engagement rings, diamond engagement ring, diamond rings, wedding rings, anniversary rings, diamond earrings, diamond pendants, wedding bands world wide.

Diamond Watches

In Spain when men propose marriage to women and receive affirmation, they present them with traditional engagement rings - and then their fiancées often return the honor by presenting their men with diamond watches! Men's diamond watches are a type of men's diamond jewelry that is both practical and attractive. They are a type of designer-luxury item that one would not give every day, but for that once-in-a-lifetime gift that is more than just a bauble, diamond watches are ideal.

Watch History

Clocks and timepieces have been around almost as long as human history, but mechanical clocks are a fairly recent innovation, having come into existence only about 700 years ago. The earliest direct ancestor of today's diamond watches were gear-and-spring driven devices invented in Europe during the 1400s; the first watches were miniature versions of the same device, worn around the neck. As these shrank in size over the next two centuries, they eventually became the traditional pocket watch - an anachronism that many men still use.

The Ladies' Diamond Watch

The first true wristwatches really were diamond watches. These were small timepieces integrated into actual diamond jewelry bracelets for women who were members of European royalty. Although 19th century jeweler Paket Phillipe et Cie is generally credited with creating the first true ladies' diamond watch for Hungarian Countess Kosewitz in 1868, there are references to such "watch bracelets" dating back as far as 1572, when the Earl of Leicester presented Queen Elizabeth I with a round watch, inlaid with diamonds, which was suspended from a wristband. Most historians consider this to be the first ladies' diamond watch.

The Mens' Diamond Watch

Wrist watches were considered effeminate until around 1900; virtually all mens' watches were pocket watches. The invention of heavier-than-air, motorized aircraft in 1903 changed all of that. The year following, French-Brazilian aviation pioneer Alberto Dumont-Santos found that he needed a timepiece that he could look at without removing his hands from the controls. The result was the first wristwatch for men; these convenient instruments soon superseded wrist watches in terms of popularity.

Diamond Watches Today

Since that time, three companies - one French, one Japanese and one Swiss - are best known for incorporating fine timepieces into diamond jewelry. Those three are Cartier, Citizens, and Movado. The latter company has been making watches for men since the early part of the last century; today, there are nearly 200 different models of mens' and ladies' diamond watches to choose from, many of which are among the finest diamond watches available on the market today.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Jewelry Storage Tips

Did you know that some jewelry boxes can actually do more harm than good? Are you storing your jewelry the right way? Improper storage may cause damage to your precious engagement rings, necklaces and other jewelry.

To take care of your jewelry, here are some jewelry storage tips.

General Tips

Clean your jewelry before storing. This may be common knowledge. Nevertheless, it is important to say this first before the rest of the jewelry storage tips. Hair spray, perfume and perspiration may cause jewelry to become dull if not cleaned off.

Jewelry Boxes Tips

Although it is ideal to keep your precious pieces in a jewelry box, you have to choose a suitable one. Some jewelry boxes do not have securing areas to keep your jewelry from rolling, scratching or bumping into each other, so always separate your jewelry during storage. If possible, wrap them up individually in a soft cloth or pouch before storing. It is also important to make sure that the jewelry box is suitable for your type of jewelry. For example, some jewelry boxes are designed specifically for rings, some for necklaces and bracelets.

Storage Tips For Silver Jewelry

Many people know that sterling silver jewelry tends to tarnish easily. Tarnish is the result of a natural reaction between silver and the air and environment. So, to slow down the tarnishing, you can store your silver jewelry in an airtight container or zip lock bag. Other tips to consider:

* Store silver jewelry together with anti-tarnish strips. These will absorb the agents that cause silver to tarnish.

* Anti-tarnish pouch and cloth are also available from jewelry stores. Basically, they function like anti-tarnish strips.

* You can also use silica gel as it will absorb the moisture in the air and slow down tarnishing.

Storage Tips For Necklaces And Bracelets

To prevent necklaces from tangling, you can store them in jewelry organizers, jewelry boxes or armoires. Choose those that have specifically crafted stands for hanging necklaces and bracelets. To prevent kinks, necklaces should lay flat and straight if not hung during storage.

Storage Tips For Earrings

Each pair of earrings should be in its own compartment or hang on hooks. Earring posts or clips can bend and rings can wear if they are not secured to a display or insert.

Jewelry Tops Wish Lists For Mother's Day

Mother's Day is just around the corner, so it's time to start thinking about what you will give that special woman in your life. Mother's Day gifts can run the gamut, from handmade treasures to kitchen knives, from electronics to leather goods. You can be sure that she'll cherish whatever you choose, but the chances are good that jewelry tops her wish list.

Obviously, each woman's taste in jewelry is different. Some women never leave the house without a full complement of accessories, while others stick to the basics, like a watch and earrings. Here are some ideas for great Mother's Day jewelry gifts:


You can't go wrong if you select diamond earrings. Today, the trend is small diamonds set in white gold hoops, although solitaire button earrings are also popular. For a sentimental twist, you can select diamonds that radiate out from gold hearts.

Pearl earrings are almost always a hit, whether they're set as a single pearl in a drop earring or several pearls in a vertical band. You can even go the exotic route and buy your mother a pair of earrings featuring rare and coveted black pearls (also known as Tahitian pearls). Better yet, buy earrings that incorporate both diamonds and pearls!


Pendants make wonderful Mother's Day gifts. Set in white or yellow gold, the stone in a pendant can represent your mother's birth month or the birthday months of her children. As a reminder, the birthstones are: January - garnet; February - amethyst; March - aquamarine; April - diamond; May - emerald; June - moonstone; July - ruby; August - peridot; September - sapphire; October - opal; November - topaz; and December - turquoise.


Fine watches are beautiful gifts, but if your mother is active and enjoys the outdoors, you may want to consider different type of watch. For example, she may enjoy a clip on watch that she can attach to a backpack, gym bag, or runner's pack. She could even hook it to a belt loop when she takes her pets out for a walk.

Jewelry Sets

There are many different kinds of jewelry sets, each of which would make a treasured gift. For example, you can purchase an earring and necklace set, or select a baby pearl necklace and matching bracelet. Another possibility is a pin or pendant with matching earrings.

Other Wonderful Gifts

If your mother isn't the type who wears a lot of jewelry, there is a wealth of other gift possibilities. For example, she may welcome personal electronics, like an MP3 player, an iPod, or a DVD player. If she enjoys clothing, she might love a beautiful lingerie set or a leather garment. Perhaps she'd like housewares, such as kitchen knives or a new set of mixing bowls.

Where to Shop

Your best bet for finding a wide selection of jewelry and other Mother's Day gifts is an online shopping mall. An online mall has the advantage of having thousands (or tens of thousands) of products, and you can often find bargain prices that are close to wholesale. Best of all, this kind of one-stop shopping site can dropship, meaning that the items you order are shipped directly from the supplier. This dramatically cuts down shipping time, and ensures that your Mother's Day gifts will be delivered to your door safely and quickly.